Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I'm Back....

...nearly 7 years later. I've meant to do more with this blog, but life got in the way.

I still want to examine some theological issues of belief, and will delve into the views of the layman and the atheist/agnostic sides of the argument. I am a Christian, but I hope to explain what I believe as time goes on.

On a side note, what is the record between blog posts in the blogosphere? 6.09 years has to be on the list somewhere...

Friday, July 31, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog! I know that this is not the most eye-catching or proper way to start a blog but I will admit upfront that I am a horrible writer. Current and future posts will contain poor structure, clichés, and grammatical errors. Enjoy.

I’m simply trying to find my way as a christian and to give myself an outlet to discuss whatever crosses my path. Recently this has come be in the form of religious readings from a variety of sources both christian, athiest and secular. I’m not an accomplished theologian or a disgruntled seminary student. I’m just a layman trying to decide what I believe.

Comments are welcome.